Episode 3: The Summer Solstice and the Capricorn Full Moon

June 18, 2024

In this episode of Astrology Unbound, Evan Nathaniel Grim delves into the powerful synergy between the Capricorn Full Moon and the Summer Solstice. These celestial events are not just cosmic phenomena but significant markers that can illuminate our paths toward achieving our deepest aspirations. With the Summer Solstice marking the pinnacle of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere, it serves as a moment of celebration and reflection on our accomplishments thus far. The Capricorn Full Moon, on the other hand, brings the energy needed to create structured plans for continued success. Together, they offer a unique opportunity to rethink and refine our goals for the next six months.

Evan begins by highlighting the importance of the Summer Solstice, which occurs around June 20th to 22nd each year. This event symbolizes a time to celebrate our achievements and assess our progress. The Solstice is a natural high point, a moment when the Sun is at its maximum declination, passing directly over the Tropic of Cancer. This maximum daylight period symbolizes a peak in our energy and consciousness, making it an ideal time to set new goals and refine existing ones. Evan encourages listeners to reflect on their journey since the Winter Solstice and consider what adjustments are necessary for their growth and well-being.

The Capricorn Full Moon, occurring shortly after the Summer Solstice, brings a different kind of energy. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is all about long-term planning and structured, incremental steps. Evan emphasizes that this Full Moon is a time to think about where we want to be six months from now, by the Winter Solstice, and even further into the future. He suggests working backward from that envisioned future self, identifying the basic steps needed to reach those goals. This is not a time for quantum leaps but for practical, realistic planning.

Saturn in Pisces adds another layer of complexity to this period. Saturn’s influence in Pisces can guide us toward long-term planning and emotional comfort, especially concerning family and relationships. The nurturing energy of Cancer, with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in this sign, invites us to focus on these areas. Evan also discusses how Jupiter in Gemini pushes us toward curiosity and learning, potentially prompting shifts in our professional paths. Mars in Taurus, nearing a conjunction with Uranus, suggests a brewing revolutionary energy questioning the status quo, particularly in the realm of healthcare.

Evan discusses the increasing skepticism toward the healthcare system, driven by the influx of information from the internet and social media. He points out that astrological events like the Gemini transits squaring Pisces and economic factors with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces are bringing personal health choices to the forefront. The conversation emphasizes the need for individuals to scrutinize their health decisions, from dietary habits to spiritual practices, and consider the long-term implications of their choices.

Evan also highlights the potential for significant changes in how we approach health and well-being as Saturn and Neptune move closer together in the coming years. He mentions the importance of making informed health decisions, setting realistic goals, and committing to them. The Capricorn Full Moon serves as a backdrop for this discussion, stressing the importance of realistic goal-setting, commitment, and making strategic sacrifices to achieve a strong and fulfilling future.

The episode also explores the symbolic journey of the Sun through the zodiac and its impact on our consciousness and vitality. The Sun’s path, rising and setting consistently every day, represents the spirit. As the Sun trends northward towards the Summer Solstice, we experience increased daylight, which illuminates our consciousness and gives us energy and vitality. However, as the Sun trends southward after the Solstice, leading to the Winter Solstice, we experience decreased daylight, symbolizing a period of reflection and planning.

Evan invites listeners to use the Capricorn Full Moon and Summer Solstice energies to reflect on their progress, set new goals, and make necessary adjustments. He encourages a practical approach to goal-setting, emphasizing the importance of incremental steps and realistic planning. This is a time to focus on what we truly want to achieve and to create a structured plan to get there.

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Renowned for his confrontational yet insightful approach, Evan Nathaniel Grim challenges conventional wisdom to break down the stereotypes and engage listeners across a wide array of intellectual topics.



"Just wanted to say thank you so much for making time for the mini reading! I've had readings done in the past, and even in 15 minutes, you saw me the clearest. That was so spot on. You have a gift for interpretation and weaving together puzzles, 100%! 

— Lane W., Professional Artist

"I really enjoyed the first lecture from the astrology class. You are an incredibly good teacher. The way you explained the evolution of astrology, the elements and how that synthesizes into the zodiac signs and the alchemy between was beyond brilliant. I can't forget "fire and air make a pair." Thank you for teaching this cohort. I'm so looking forward to the rest of the classes."

— Megha K., Paid Ads Expert

I’ve now listened 4 times and keep finding new things. Hidden gems. Are you psychic as well? I know we’re all intuitive but, there's a way that you deliver information, present possible scenarios that make me wonder if that little astro wheel is saying all that or if that's all you feeling it? Either way, your approach and presentation were super clear and thorough. Expansive but detailed. Specific and informative. Eye opening.

— Donn T., Recording Artist




Evan Nathaniel Grim delivers strategic advice on how each zodiac sign can navigate the upcoming planetary configurations and offers world predictions.